Departing for Africa

Today I woke up with one of the worst migraines of my life. Despite that, I still had to get packed, move out of my room, and mail my clothes for New York back to Seattle because I didn’t want to drag a twenty-pound winter coat to an African Summer in Namibia.

I slept most of the morning away after crawling out of bed just long enough to take 1000mg of Naproxen and my vitamins. I also scarfed down part of a bagel to prevent myself from dry heaving pills. Checkout was at 12 so by 11 I had to start moving regardless of my mind-numbing pain. I managed to make my way to the FedEx office just after returning my room key and mailed my package and printed some last minute travel documents (basically my proof that when I entered Namibia it was not with the intention of taking up permanent residence.)

For lunch I went back to Kung Fu Little Steamed Buns Ramen because their fried duck pancakes were too amazing to leave New York without having it twice. I spent the afternoon in the club lounge at the hotel to avoid overexerting myself and then grabbed a taxi to the Newark airport for my flight.

At the airport I met the coolest chic named Genevieve who was going to Tel Aviv, Israel. I grabbed dinner with her, and we hung out and talked about why we were traveling to Africa for the next few hours before each of our respective flights. At 11:45 pm EST I left for Africa.
